ZigaForm version 6.1.1

With the support of Psiconnea Corporate it’s possible:

Personalised monitoring of the psychological health of each worker.

Reducing absenteeism and staff turnover by dealing with work-related stress

Improve levels of employee motivation and well-being.

Some of our clients

Many companies have entrusted the health and well-being of their employees to us.

Awards, recognition and funding
Like having a psychologist in the company.

Better yet, a psychotechnologist. Because we are experts in modifying human behaviour with the help of technology and artificial intelligence.

We deliver data-driven results. We measure, intervene and monitor the psychological and emotional health of each worker.

They say of us

WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT People matter, and they matter a lot. To this end, with our personalised service, we accompany you in all areas of action:

Media appearances

What is the media saying about us? Here are the most important appearances.

Trabajamos en 3 fases:




3 different and complementary solutions for the well-being of the people who are part of the organisation:



Intelligent online psychological health platform

Are you concerned about the mental and emotional health of your team? So are we.

  • 83% of people suffer from some kind of mental health problem during adulthood.
  • 63% of people would be willing to give up their job because of stress.
  • 57% of people with mental health problems do not receive any kind of treatment.

That is why we have created Psiconnea, the intelligent platform for mental health.

Thanks to our advanced analytical techniques and Artificial Intelligence, we help you to improve the emotional and psychological state of your talent, reducing their levels of anxiety and stress.

Workers manage to change the way they analyse, understand and face the difficulties they have to deal with on a daily basis, acquiring greater flexibility in the way they deal with uncertainty. As a consequence, the level of health and well-being increases, they become more committed to the organisation, and sick leave is reduced.


Our psychology

It is not a question of doing for the sake of doing. We care about personalised care and attention to people, so we analyse your needs and circumstances in a personalised way. Then, with data in hand, we prepare an ad hoc work plan. And we always measure the results.

How can we help you?

  1. Equality plan and workplace harassment protocol.
  2. Peer support programme.
  3. Online and telephone counselling.
  4. Psychometrics: assessments, personality tests, soft skills, etc.
  5. Expert reports.
  6. Psychological care in emergencies and disasters.


Our customised

Innovation, knowledge and the growth of the company’s talent are the pillars on which we rely to create and deliver customised training that works.

In our trainings, students learn actively, through experimentation, along three essential axes: Theory, Practice and Role play.

  1. Transformational leadership.
  2. Stress management and prevention.
  3. Addiction prevention.
  4. Work perspectives.
  5. Management of team resources.
  6. Emergencies and disasters.
  7. Roll-ups.
  8. Non-technical skills.

«The shoe that fits one person, fits another; there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for life.»

Request for information

If you need to see any of our services or training courses in detail, please contact us by filling in this form and we will attend to you in a personalised way.

Basic information about the processing of your personal data Responsible: PSICONNEA B2B, S.L. Purpose: To respond to your queries and requests. Send you information and advertising communications, if authorized. Legitimation: Express consent of the person concerned by sending the form. Rights: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You have the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete your data, as well as to the portability and limitation of their processing, by sending a communication to rgpd@psiconnea.com. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (www.aepd.es). Further information: You can consult our privacy policy.