
  1. Equality plan and workplace harassment protocol.
  2. Peer support programme.
  3. Online and telephone counselling.
  4. Psychometrics: evaluations, personality tests, soft skills, etc.
  5. Expert reports.
  6. Psychological care in emergencies and disasters.


Equality plan and workplace harassment protocol

It is not something new, but it is necessary and compulsory for all companies.

Why implement your equality plan?


With more than 50 workers, implementation is a legal obligation.


Breaking the gender gap, commitment to diversity as the backbone of the company.


Implement company values, strengthen your brand and retain talent.

  1. Equality plan and workplace harassment protocol.
  2. Peer support programme.
  3. Online and telephone counselling.
  4. Psychometrics: evaluations, personality tests, soft skills, etc.
  5. Expert reports.
  6. Psychological care in emergencies and disasters.

Equality Plan

Mandatory for companies with more than 50 employees.

At Psiconnea we help you to create and implement the equality plan in the company, and we accompany and support you step by step in its 5 phases.

Stage 1

Launching of the process of drawing up the equality plan: communication and opening of negotiations and setting up of the negotiating committee.

Stage 2

Carrying out the diagnosis: collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to find out the degree of integration of equality between women and men in the company.

Stage 3

Design, approval and registration of the plan: definition of objectives, design of measures, establishment of monitoring and evaluation indicators, implementation schedule, approval and registration of the plan.

Stage 4

Implementation and monitoring of the equality plan: verification of the degree of development and compliance with the measures and assessment of results.

Stage 5

Evaluation of the equality plan: assessment of the degree of achievement of the objectives, results and impact that the plan has had on the company.

Workplace Harassment Protocol

The team of psychologists of Psiconnea help you to design, implement and implement a protocol of harassment at work whose central axis are prevention, awareness, care and immediate attention to a possible case of harassment at work. The main objective we pursue when implementing the harassment protocol in the company is to articulate the necessary measures to prevent and combat sexual harassment, mobbing and bossing for reasons of gender, religion, moral, physical, political, etc. identity. We do this by establishing a confidential, fast and accessible channel to manage complaints or reports within the company, and by offering immediate psychological care to the victim and advice to the company. What is considered harassment at work according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO): “Verbal or psychological action of a systematic, repeated or persistent nature whereby, in the workplace in connection with work, a person or a group of persons injures, humiliates, offends or intimidates a victim.”.

How do we do it?

Stage  1

We create a 5-hour training course to raise awareness of bullying and its prevention, and an expert psychologist gives it to your employees.

Stage 2

In the event that we receive a complaint or denunciation from a worker for workplace harassment, together we will activate the workplace harassment protocol and we will always be at your side to help you.

Stage 3

Once the complaint or report has been initiated, an expert psychologist will assess the situation in order to reveal whether or not it is a case of harassment at work. He or she will contact both the alleged harasser and the victim in order to gather information about the event and start working with both.

Stage 4

The same professional will take care of the psychological care and attention of the victim so that she/he feels supported and cared for at all times.


Peer Support Programmes

Solutions to shared challenges: equality, shared experience and cooperation.

Peer support, whether in the form of group or individual support, brings people together so that they can explore solutions to shared challenges and feel supported by others with similar experiences (WHO).

At Psiconnea we help you to implement a peer support programme, so that employees in the company can explore solutions to shared challenges and feel supported by other colleagues with similar experiences.

DProject description
Peer Support Programme (PAP)

  • Presentation of the project to company staff.
    Depending on which areas of the company can benefit most from this programme.
  • Evaluation of the candidates.
    Training of the PAP team.
  • Monitoring of the project.
  • Replacement and training of new PAP members.


Personalised online and telephone counselling.

How to have a psychologist in the company

One of the keys to the system of psychological telephone assistance is to be able to give each person what they need, and for this reason, personalised advice and attention from professional psychologists is essential and one of the keys to ensuring the well-being of employees. For this reason, employees will have at their disposal a specific telephone number that they can call anonymously, where they will be received by a psychologist who will help and advise them according to their situation, doubts or problems.

“This communication tool between workers and professionals helps people to resolve doubts and concerns in a quick and personalised way. This helps to reduce the anxiety or fears in which an employee may be involved”.

Benefits of telephone counselling
telephone counselling
and online therapy

Among the many benefits are

  • Early detection of harassment at work.
  • Detection of equality problems within the company.
  • Reduction of anxiety.
  • Reduction of depression.
  • Reduction of stress.
  • Decrease in turnover.
  • Employee loyalty, creating a feeling of attention and care from the company.
  • Elimination of inequalities: everyone has access to psychosocial benefits regardless of their geographical location.
  • Increased motivation, teamwork and support among employees.
  • Increased effectiveness and efficiency of employees.


Assessments, personality tests, soft skills, etc.

Psychometry is the branch of Experimental Psychology that deals with the measurement and quantification of psychological processes and cognitive abilities of people.

Our psychometric assessment service has two clear objectives:

  • To implement a scientific methodology in the study of the mind within the organisation. A complex task, given the intangible nature of mental constructs such as intelligence, personality or emotions. With experience we have learned to measure with the utmost rigour, adapting to the needs of the corporate world.
  • To find and measure the correlation between the external and internal stimuli to which employees are subject, and to highlight the uniqueness that defines each one.

To this end, Psiconnea has a team of psychologists specialised in carrying out psychometric evaluations, as well as a large battery of scientifically and empirically validated standardised questionnaires and tests, which are essential for measuring personality traits, soft skills, etc.

Final report

Once the psychometric tests, requested by clients and recommended by our specialists, have been completed, a detailed final report of the results obtained is presented, signed by our professionals.


Expert reports

At Psiconnea we are forensic psychologists specialised in providing answers to the points of expertise requested by the contracting party and/or the court.

In the forensic field, there is a wide range of situations where psychology can contribute value to the law, when it comes to making decisions about people’s behaviour and the consequences derived from it.

Expert report on labour law:

  • Assessment of temporary incapacity for work due to psychopathology and/or brain damage.
  • Assessment of permanent incapacity for work due to psychopathology and/or brain damage.
  • Assessment of the type of occupational contingency associated with temporary or permanent incapacity for work due to psychopathology and/or brain damage.
  • Assessment of work-related stress.
  • Situations of mistreatment within the organisation: mobbing, sexual harassment, etc.

Expert reports: administrative litigation

  • Preparation of reports on handicaps, dependency law, etc., and in appeal proceedings against administrative decisions in this area.
  • Reports and recommendations on the selection, assessment and qualification of personnel and/or promotions carried out in public administrations and in appeal proceedings against administrative decisions in this area.
  • Assessments and reports on claims against the public administration, mobbing, sexual harassment, etc.

Expert reports: civil incapacitation

  • Reports on the preservation of civil competences.
  • Capacity to drive vehicles (aircraft, etc. and use of weapons).
  • Assessment of damages and after-effects.
    Assessment of psychopathological and emotional after-effects.
  • Assessment of cerebral sequelae (neuropsychological, etc.).
  • Assessment of non-pecuniary damage

Expert reports: criminal law

On the accused:
  • Assessment of imputability, cognitive and volitional capacity.
  • Evaluation of supervening mental illness and its consequences.
  • Proposal of alternative measures. Prediction of dangerousness.
  • Determination of criminological profiles. Expert reports: Contentious-Administrative.
  • Preparation of reports on handicaps, dependency law, etc. and in appeal processes against decisions of the administration in this area.
  • Reports and recommendations on the selection, assessment and qualification of personnel and/or promotions carried out in public administrations and in appeals processes against administrative decisions in this area.
  • Assessments and reports on claims against the public administration, mobbing, sexual harassment, etc.

On the victims:

Assessment of cognitive, emotional and psychological sequelae and determination of personality structure.


Psychological assistance in emergencies and catastrophes.

Psiconnea has you covered in emergency and disaster situations. You can rely on our team of more than 400 psychologists nationwide specialised in psychological care in emergencies and disasters, taking into account that all our protocols are tested and endorsed by our clients.
  • We are a team of more than 400 health and clinical psychologists.
  • All our psychologists are specialised, trained and certified in emergencies and disasters.
  • Coverage throughout Spain. Team availability 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Proven experience in the care and management of major disasters and emergencies.
  • We speak 5 languages: Spanish, Italian, French, English and Catalan.
  • Protocols tested and put into operation in railway companies, with customer compliments and recommendations.
  • Management team with years of experience in the direct management of emergencies.

Post-accident: psychological
psychological care for those affected.

Personalised psychological care for all those affected:

  • The assistance is provided in person, online or at home, depending on the needs detected by the director of the team of psychologists and the demand of the affected person.
  • The sessions can be carried out in at least 5 languages: Spanish, Italian, English, French and Catalan.
  • The director of the team of psychologists carries out a prior assessment of those affected who request the service, with the aim of identifying each person’s problems in a personalised way, and referring the case to the psychologist in the network who is most specialised in the problems detected.
  • Follow-up meetings with the assigned psychologists until they are discharged.
    For all those affected who request personalised post-accident psychological assistance, the session will be billed separately.

Monitoring reports (monthly):

Monthly status reports shall include the following:

  • Number of applications
  • Number of active care
  • Number of discharges
  • Number of rejected care.

Final report (annual):

A final report is presented that provides a global vision of the state of the patients, as well as the analysis and presentation of the events that took place in the psychological care service for those affected throughout the year.

For more information about our services