We understand the work environment from a human point of view, analysing the whole system and its influence on the way people behave and interact with their personal and work environment.
Technology + AI + Psychology
Psiconnea offers you innovative and technological solutions to reinforce the training of talent and their involvement in the security of the company, generating a positive impact on their performance with measurable and evaluable results.
What do we achieve?
Training must be seen as a continuous process through which organisations get the most out of their staff and vice versa.
Team Resource Management
Team resource management
In this training (Team Resource Management) trainees learn to develop knowledge, attitudes and positive behaviours towards teamwork and human performance, helping to reduce the number or minimise the impact of errors related to working together with other professionals within the system.
Employees are increasingly exposed to demands for more flexibility and mobility at work and have to cope with continuous changes and adaptations.
In this course, employees will learn to identify with their job on a psycho-emotional level and to understand that happiness at work is possible, taking into account work flexibility and social influence at work.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”
– Benjamin Franklin
Addiction Prevention
The main objective of this course is to describe what happens in people’s brains and how the information obtained can be used to overcome these addictions that make life difficult for many people.
Addictions are compulsions of the individual towards a certain type of substance, but there are also other types of addictions that force the person to modify their behaviour, making them captive to gambling, sex, food or the Internet.
Transformational leadership
Leading a team of people is a challenge
Transformational leadership is that which, above all, has the ability to positively influence the progress and development of the team. Its axis of action is based on a collaborative approach to relationships.
Atraer y retener el talento de tu compañía
The new transformational leadership profile must have new team management tools that Psiconnea can help you to enhance.
Understanding the new generations of employees
Discover how generational differences impact communication and leadership, and gain a deep understanding of the characteristics and values of younger employees.
Connect, lead and thrive with the new generations!
Learn effective strategies to retain talent and overcome the loss of young employees, while promoting their wellbeing and work-life balance…
Non-technical skills
The data show that, in addition to technical and regulatory skills, workers who have obtained key non-technical skills to identify risk situations are able to prevent errors, significantly reducing accidents due to human error.
We know very well that every company has specific training requirements. We create “ad hoc” training actions that are always adapted to the needs of the client.
80% of train drivers run over at least one person during their career, which is a heavy emotional burden that accompanies them throughout their professional career.
This training will provide them with the psychological tools to be able to face this reality inherent to their job.
This course provides participants with the necessary knowledge to deal with emergency and disaster situations from a psychosocial perspective.
Participants will receive psycho-emotional tools and techniques to adequately manage these complex situations. They will learn how to communicate avoiding emotional blockage, a direct activator of an initial psychological disorder.
If you want to know more about our trainings, fill in the form and start taking care of the most important thing in your company: your team.